Saving Money
So, I have been noticing for a while, as I'm sure you have too, that things are getting ridiculously over priced. In fact, some things are past that point! It has gotten so hard for so many of us to save any money but, it's getting more important to save money because we don't know how much worse it is going to get. Gas prices have sky rocketed and so has everything else. I don't know about you but, I have became a coupon clipper. I used to not really pay much attention and didn't worry about clipping coupons, I mean I always bought bargains when things were on sale but didn't worry about coupons and saving more. So anyways, I just wanted to share the things I have changed and they way I save now since the cost raise has affected our family and hopefully my strategies may help you :)
Well, first from all the gas prices rising so much, I have started planning my trips out more. By this I mean, I am now trying to make one trip for things like planning my grocery shopping to a time where I can go straight to pick up my daughter Kaylee from preschool right after and this way it's all one trip and less gas usage. Some days it really saves us some money and others it barely makes a difference but I look at it as every little bit helps.
Next, I started picking up the Sunday papers and looking at the grocery ads for what was on sale that week, and I plan my weekly meals and shopping list off of what is on sale and the best deals for that week. Doing this did more than just saving money, it also helped me plan the dinners better and pick out what fruits and snacks I would be getting for that week. It helped change things up often too!! LOL
But, the thing I think helps my family the most is coupons! I clip the coupons from the Sunday paper for the items and food we normally use. I know the coupons are usually only something like $.50-- to $2.00 off, but when you clip a few they can take a decent amount off your total and save you some good money! I also found another great online place for all kinds of coupons and savings at, it has savings on places like Best Buy, Petsmart and Kmart as well as 1800contacts and more. So, if you wanna check it out!
Hopefully, these tips help you as much as they have been helping me, and if you have any money saving tips comment and let us know!
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