Saturday, May 19, 2012

Teen and PreTeen Acne Struggle

OK, so I know some of these posts are off the ADHD topic, but this is not just for ADHD but for raising are children in general! :) And this has been an issue for my son since he is now 13 and going through the wonderful world of puberty!! I know AHHHH!

Well, lately Dill has been getting acne break outs like crazy!! The trouble for me is that all my kids have really sensitive skin, they get rashes from everything!
Anyways, we have been trying different at home cures and treatments for acne, I have been having him scrub his face twice a day and I got him some acne moisturizer, but it doesn't seen to be working much. I mean it's a little better but, it's just all these little bumps on his forehead. So, I think I am going to have to look into an actual acne treatment regimen for him.  So, I am looking into it a little more.

I swear it's not enough that this puberty causes our kids to have these on and off, hot and cold attitudes. And we have to deal with the soon to come sex talk, but having acne too?! I really wasn't thinking about this during the "I can't wait til he gets older and we can do stuff together" stage or the "let's have another baby" stage either! What is happening to my ever so cute babies? I'm not sure I like this growing up thing!

I did however come across this Murad Acne Complex and felt the need to share it with you. I am a big gossip and beauty magazine reader, I know funny right! I'm not always reading the Psych magazines :). I saw it is in my Allure magazine and on TV. I went to the site and it looks pretty awesome. The name comes from the actual creator, who is a dermatologist named Dr. Murad. I wanted to share it with you in case your son  or daughter is going through this too. It says it not only clear the acne, but actually makes the skin healthier. Oh, and they have a Resurgence set for us moms. It's for restoring our "aging" skin, and increases the firmness, so if you are looking for something for yourself you can check it out! The price isn't bad either ;) 

Speaking of price!! Just in case you wanted to try either of these for you or your teen, I found Murad Coupon Codes! This way if you can get a discount if you decide to try it :)

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